Objective and organisation of the publication committee

The publication committee’s budget is evident from the Aarhus University Research Foundation award budget (DKK 2,5 million in 2024). Applications for support are processed by a committee of 5-6 members. Current members include Charlotte Appel (Arts), Karen Valentin (Arts), Kristian Hvidtfelt Nielsen (Natural Sciences), Henrik Myhre Jensen (Technical Sciences), Søren Dinesen Østergaard (Health) and David Andersen (Business and Social Sciences). The members are part of the committee by virtue of their personal qualities.

The work of the committee shall help ensure that important scientific work and other activities at the university can obtain the necessary support for qualified high-quality publication and dissemination and thereby strengthen the knowledge to the university’s research results and other related activities,  both in the international research community as well as in the general public. The committee is informed of and consulted about other publications from Aarhus University published with support from AUFF. In addition, the committee functions as Rector’s adviser in publication matters. The committee has decided that it does not wish to receive applications with enclosed manuscripts; however, these can be submitted on request.

Regarding conditions for recommendations we refer to the biannual calls for applications and guidance

The committee refers to Rector and its work shall result in recommendations to the board of the foundation for support from AUFF’s publication pool or for preparatory support with an eye to later publication with other possible external sources of financing. The committee includes in its prioritisation an evaluation of the applicants’ choice of publication language and publisher etc. to ensure the widest possible dissemination of the research in proportion to the target audience. The recommendations are decided upon by the members of the committee and produced in continuation of AUFF’s half-yearly deadlines for applications. The final awarding of grants takes place at AUFF board meetings. The members of the committee are obligated to treat all committee recommendations confidentially.

The work of the committee is prepared by the AUFF administration and supported by Aarhus University concerning directories of applicants and future processing of the recommendations of the committee. IThe committee may submit applications to expert referees and can in publishing matters involve the manager of Aarhus University Press.