Publication support

Applications for publication support are hereby invited to the Aarhus University Research Foundation for grants in spring of 2025.

The purpose of the Foundation's publication support is to ensure that important scientific works of particularly high quality receive support for suitable quality publishing and dissemination and thus can increase the knowledge of the University's research results in the international research world and in the general public.

Priority is given to cutting-edge publications with a special focus on highly-rated international publication channels, preferably large foreign publishers. In continuation of past practice, support can also be given to high quality publications published by Danish publishers. Publications in English, Danish or other relevant languages ​​can be supported.

When publishing books (and e-books), linguistic revision can be supported. It is necessary that the manuscript (in its entirety) has been subjected to impartial peer review before the publication committee can assess the application. Please attach peer review to the application.

Furthermore, funds are set aside to support other types of media, including e.g. podcasts and other dissemination channels. Other types of media can also spread the knowledge of the research from Aarhus University to the general public and the Publication Committee hopes that such an expansion of the instrument will appeal to all faculties.

Application deadline

Deadline for applications is Friday the 21st of February 2025, at 12.00 noon.

Applicants can expect to receive a response to their application in June 2025.

The funding for publication support is DKK 2.5 million in 2025.

Applicants must be employed at Aarhus University.

Emeriti at Aarhus University can also apply for publication support, although emeriti do not formally have the status of AU staff. Emeriti are often still associated with research projects at the University and can therefore apply for publication support in order to publish results obtained through research at Aarhus University. A grant must be administered at AU, and it is therefore a prerequisite that there is sufficient contact to the university, so that the administration of the grant can take place at Aarhus University.

Regarding doctoral dissertations that have been accepted for publication by a publisher: If a separate peer review of the book manuscript is not carried out, please send a confirmation from the publisher with the application that the book can be published without it. This confirmation can be attached to the application form in the field normally used for peer review

Read more about the purpose, settings and organization of the Publication Committee.

Costs that cannot be covered by the grant:

  • Publications in journals (fee for publication)
  • Salary in connection with the preparation of the publication / Author Grant
  • Translation, with the exception of very special cases, such as Sanskrit
  • Institute- or faculty-based journals, etc., except for special or thematic issues
  • Multiplication, etc. of PhD theses
  • Open access costs  
  • Costs to reduce the purchase price of the published books
  • Publications published before the deadline of the call    

Applications with amounts below DKK 10,000 will not be processed.

How to apply

The application form is online and is accessed via the link

The application form is found under "Support for Publications" and opens one month before the application deadline.

The application must contain:  

  • Description of the publication (max. 5.000 characters including spaces)
  • Author's list stating their title and affiliation (max. 2.500 characters including spaces) 
  • Table of contents (max. 2.500 characters including spaces)  
  • Peer review
  • Quote / cost calculation from the publisher 

It is mandatory to attach the quote or cost calculation if the publication involves a publisher, as the application may otherwise be rejected. The quote/calculation should include information on costs of publication, marketing, total costs, expected number of books sold and expected revenue.

Peer review of the manuscript should be attached to the application. In case the peer review is not ready at the time of application deadline, this can be sent via the application system GrantOne. This can be done up until three weeks after the application deadline.

No part or all of the manuscript should be attached to the application.

The next application deadline is expected to be in September 2025

If you have any questions about the application procedure, the processing of applications or the electronic application system, please contact

Tove Østergaard Le,

AU PhD and fund services,


Mobile: 2162 4921.