New company in the group: Sandbjerg Estate

All of the foundation and company law registrations have now been completed, so that the final part of the process of handing over the Sandbjerg Estate to Aarhus University Research Foundation has now been completed. Sandbjerg Estate P/S is therefore now a 100% owned subsidiary in the AUFF Group.

For more than two years, the board of the self-governing Institution has Sandbjerg Estate work to ensure the future of the estate as an attractive course and conference centre by handing over the Estate to Aarhus University Research Foundation as a gift. Sandbjerg Estate will continue as it has always done, and the change of ownership will have no impact on employees, customers and suppliers. The Board of the Research Foundation has agreed to take over Sandbjerg Estate and continue and develop it as a continued attractive course and conference Centre for the benefit of research and education at Aarhus University and our external guests from companies and organisations. A longer process has been completed, so it's time to wave the flag!