Research stay in Husumgade

Aarhus University Research Foundation's apartment in Husumgade in Copenhagen has been fully renovated for research stays.

Researchers can apply for a research-based stay in Husumgade, which normally grants a stay of a few days to several weeks. 

Apply online through the following link: You can also read more about the apartment in Husumgade and the conditions for your stay in Husumgade. Reservations are made for ongoing applications.

The key for the tenancy can be picked up at Finlandsgade 14, 8200 Aarhus N, by appointment. 

Contact for Husumgade: Anne Pilgaard at or tel.: + 45 8942 7024.  

NB: Please note that pets are not allowed.  

Arrival is possible from 15.00, while departure is no later than 10.00.