The foundation's financial instruments in 2024

The Board of the Foundation has now decided on the budget for allocations for the upcoming year. In general, the Foundation's Board has chosen to continue and strengthen AUFF NOVA in 2024, the instrument for already employed AU (Aarhus University) staff, where one can apply for DKK 600,000 for smaller projects, while fewer grants will be awarded up to a ceiling of DKK 2.5 million.

The instrument AUFF Recruiting Grants is also continued. The decision has been made to enhance the strategic recruitment of research talents, including internationally, and to strengthen the foundation for growth and strong ideas.

As something new, it should be highlighted that the Foundation's Board has decided to provide overhead on the instruments AUFF NOVA and International Mobility at a fixed rate of 20%, added to the actual project costs. In 2024, the instruments are as follows:

AUFF NOVA AUFF NOVA is prioritized in 2024 with a budget of DKK 48 million. AUFF NOVA is the instrument for already AU-employed individuals, where one can apply for DKK 600,000 for smaller projects, while fewer grants will be awarded up to a ceiling of DKK 2.5 million.

AUFF NOVA continues to aim to stimulate the initiation of bold and innovative research projects, which have high quality but may typically have difficulty obtaining support from elsewhere. The hypothesis or problem statement may challenge existing assumptions and/or require new methods. If the project involves interdisciplinary elements and synergies within the research group(s), this should be emphasized.

In 2024, the budget for AUFF NOVA is DKK 48 million. As something new, overhead is provided for grants, at a fixed rate of 20%, added to the actual project costs. In 2024, AUFF NOVA consists of two types of grants again. It is emphasized that small projects are prioritized in the allocation. A full announcement and guidelines will be published during 2024.

AUFF Recruiting Grants AUFF Recruiting Grants can be applied for and used in current negotiation situations where an offer of start-up funds will be crucial to ensure the recruitment of a particularly attractive candidate. Applications are processed as soon as possible after receipt, and the deadline for a response is agreed upon with the relevant department head. There are thus no regular application rounds in 2024. The purpose is the appointment of assistant professors, lecturers, and professors. The application must be submitted by the department head with a recommendation from the dean. The budget for 2024 is DKK 35 million.

Flexible Ph.D. Programs The instrument is targeted at flexible Ph.D. programs, including 3+5, 4+4, and the research year, among others. The total budget in 2024 is DKK 15 million, distributed equally among the five faculties.

Publication Support Publication support continues to be targeted at international publications, so there will be an application pool and direct support for Aarhus University Press for the strategic development of projects. The application pool in 2024 is DKK 2.5 million. For the application pool, priority is given to support for groundbreaking publications with a special focus on highly rated international publication channels, preferably large foreign publishers. Support can still be provided for high-quality publications published by Danish publishers. An announcement with deadlines is expected in February and September.

International Mobility In 2024, DKK 5 million is allocated for international mobility. This is a fund for international activities, including incoming visiting researchers and outgoing mobility for the university's researchers. As something new, overhead is provided for the applications. A fixed rate of 20% can be added to the applied costs associated with the stay. An announcement with terms and guidelines will be published in early 2024.

Support for Ph.D. Courses, Research Group Meetings, Workshops, and Summer and Winter Camps at Sandbjerg Gods Applications can still be submitted continuously. The purpose is to provide subsidies for Ph.D. course stays, research group meetings, workshops, winter and summer camps at Sandbjerg Gods, reducing the participants' own payments. The total budget is DKK 2.5 million. As something new, the foundation is trying to spread the stays and support more throughout the year while providing more grants. This means that the foundation's support is reduced in the high season (April, May, June, July, August, and September), corresponding to a support amount of DKK 400 per course day per participant, while the amount in the other months (January, February, March, October, November, and December) is DKK 800 per course day per participant.

Research Stays in Møllehuset and Husumgade Researchers can still continuously apply for scholarship stays at Møllehuset at Sandbjerg Gods and in the foundation's apartment in Husumgade in Copenhagen.

Research-related Events in Hejmdal Hejmdal is the former Cancer Patients' House at the end of Peter Sabroe's Street and the University City. In the AUFF group, there is a desire to provide facilities for Aarhus University and the University City, as well as FEAS' other tenants, for meetings, conferences, receptions, events, etc., for a fee. Hejmdal is an "all-inclusive" meeting house, where everything is handled through the foundation's subsidiary FEAS, including booking, preparation, setup, catering, and cleaning. Scientific staff at Aarhus University can apply for a grant of DKK 10,000 per event, where the grant covers the rent of the house.

Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies Finally, Aarhus University's Research Foundation continues to support the operation of the Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies.

If there are any questions about the above, feel free to contact the foundation team at 7023 7988 or by email at