Once again, the faculties at AU have recommended a number of PhDs for the AUFF talent prize. Together, the University and Research Foundation have chosen five researchers who have each made an exceptional scientific contribution.
This year, the prize goes to a scholar of the didactics of mathematics, a microbiologist, a molecular biologist, an operations and data analyst and a doctor. They have each contributed new knowledge on the use of digital teaching resources, glacial algae, the immune system, waste management and patients suffering from Turner Syndrome, respectively.
PhD prize winner Cecilie Carlsen Bach.
PhD prize winner Laura Halbach.
PhD prize winner Louise Marie Dalskov Kjerulff.
Facts about the PhD Prize
• AUFF instituted the annual PhD Prize in connection with the University’s 75th anniversary in 2003.
• Based on recommendations from the faculties, the AU PhD schools recommend a number of candidates for the prize. Together, the University Management and Research Foundation choose the winners.
• All prize winners must have completed their PhD project the previous year, in this case 2022.
• Each prize winner receives DKK 50,000.