AUFF NOVA 2019: 30 mio. kroner til dristige forskningsprojekter (2019)

30 forskere har netop modtaget i alt 30 mio. kr. inden for fondens AUFF Nova-program. AUFF NOVA har til formål at stimulere iværksættelse af dristige og nytænkende forskningsprojekter, som har høj kvalitet, men som også typisk vil have vanskeligt ved at opnå støtte fra anden side. De udvalgte projekter anviser nye veje og har potentiale for videnskabeligt gennembrud.


Alle bevillinger er givet i fri konkurrence med baggrund i ansøgninger indsendt til fonden. Der var ansøgt for 305 mio. kr., og der var et budget på 30 mio. kr.



Professor MSO Jens Seeberg, Institut for Kultur og Samfund:
Antimicrobial resistance across biotic socialities.
Kr. 1.500.000


Professor Ning De Coninck-Smith, Danmarks institut for Pædagogik og Uddannelse:
Kvindernes universitet. Århus Universitet 1928-2015.
Kr. 1.500.000

Lektor Jesper Wulff, Institut for Økonomi:
Opening the black box: Making machine learning interpretable for the organizational research.
Kr. 2.000.000


Lektor Panagiotis Mitkidis, Institut for Virksomhedsledelse:
The dark side of commitment: Investigating how a sense of commitment can motivate and justify corrupt behavior.
Kr. 2.300.000


Lektor Henrik Seeberg, Institut for Statskundskab:
To which societal problems do political parties pay attention?
Kr. 2.000.000


Lektor Palle Villesen, Institut for Klinisk Medicin:
The hidden witness – predicting human traits from blood and fingerprints.
Kr. 2.000.000


Seniorforsker Thorsten Balsby, Institut for Bioscience:
Communicated decisions in parrots with fission-fusion flocks.
Kr. 2.300.000


Lektor Alberto Scoma, Institut for Ingeniørvidenskab:
Secret conversations about lignocellulose degradation.
Kr. 2.500.000


Professor Lotte Bach Larsen, Institut for Fødevarer:
VEGMILK: Milk and its plan based alternatives – linking process load and protein qualities.
Kr. 2.300.000



Lektor Anne Line Dalsgård, Institut for Kultur og Samfund:
Embodying Academia.
Kr. 600.000

Akademisk medarbejder Peter Jensen, Institut for Kultur og Samfund:
Ring Fortresses and Meteor Craters: Machine learning for state-of-the-art collaboration at AU.
Kr. 600.000

Lektor Magdalena Naum, Institut for Kultur og Samfund:
Stones, bones and forgotten histories: A mixed method approach to Native American objects in Danish museums.
Kr. 595.000


Lektor Antoinette Fage-Butler, Institut for Kommunikation og Kultur:
Mistrust of scientific expertise – Exploring a cultural phenomenon.
Kr. 570.000

Lektor Rikke Toft Nørgård, Center for Undervisningsudvikling og digitale medier:
Design for the Playful University: New formats for future education.
Kr. 600.000


Lektor Shin Kanaya, Institut for Økonomi:
Estimating a meat demand system and prices of economic interventions to achieve environmental targets.
Kr. 360.000

Lektor Mai Linneberg, Institut for Virksomhedsledelse:
Human rights of the Workers in Global Value Chaings: The question of social upgrading.
Kr. 600.000


Lektor Lin Lin, Institut for Biomedicin:
Discovering early biomarkers in circulating endothelial cells for diabetes complications by single cell RNA sequencing (CEC4DC).
Kr. 580.000

Professor Jeppe Prætorius, Institut for Biomedicin:
Single domain antibodies (nanobodies) for acute reduction of intracranial pressure: putative means for a better recovery after hemorrhagic stroke.
Kr. 450.000 kr. 

Lektor Marina Romero-Ramos, Institut for Biomedicin:
Single-cell RNA analysis of the myeloid response in brain during alpha-synuclein neurodegeneration.
Kr. 600.000

Professor Sarang Dalal, Institut for Klinisk Medicin:
Unlocking human cerebellar electrophysiology with random matrix theory.
Kr. 595.000


Lektor Betina Elfving, Institut for Klinisk Medicin:
Non-coding RNAs as potential biomarkers of depression.
Kr. 580.000.


Lektor Helle Damkier, Institut for Biomedicin:
Protection against epileptic seizures by inhibition of acid-base transport in the brain.
Kr. 600.000


Lektor Brian Hansen, Institut for Klinisk Medicin:
The neurophysiology of sleep: awake animal MRI of the glymphatic system.
Kr. 590.000


Lektor Henrik Birkedal, Institut for Kemi:
The Spiral of the Narwhal Tusk.
Kr. 550.000


Lektor Victoria Birkedal, Institut for Kemi:
Joining forces: FRET enhanced super-resolution fluorescence microscopy.
Kr. 550.000


Seniorforsker Ulrich Bay Gosewinkel, Institut for Miljøvidenskab:
Development of a next generation airborne instrument platform for Arctic climate research at Villum Research Station.
Kr. 550.000


Akademisk medarbejder Rasmus Andreasen, Institut for Geoscience:
Making strontium isotopes a reliable tracer of human migration.
Kr. 550.000


Lektor Mads Faurschou Knudsen, Institut for Geoscience:
When did modern humans and early hominins first migrate out of Africa?
Kr. 550.000


Lektor Lene Pedersen, Institut for Molekylærbiologi og genetik:
Inorganic phosphate and brain function: Impact of deregulated cerebral phosphate handling in a mouse model.
Kr. 580.000


Lektor Bo Thomsen, Institut for Molekylærbiologi og genetik:
How to live longer and stay healty according to the Greenland shark.
Kr. 330.000