Aarhus Universitets Forskningsfonds ph.d.-priser går til unge og lovende forskere. Aarhus Universitets forskningsudvalg indstiller hvert år – på baggrund af indstillinger fra hovedområderne – et antal kandidater til prisen. De har alle afsluttet ph.d.-uddannelsen i det foregående år.
Malene Flensborg Damholdts ph.d.-afhandling: Heterogeneity in Parkinson's disease. Identifying subgroups that have implications for personality or cognition
Erik Lerkevang Groves ph.d.-afhandling: Antiplatelet effect of aspirin in patients with coronary artery disease
Mette Kallestrup Hagensens ph.d.-afhandling: Origin of Endothelial Cells in Arterial Disease. Do Circulating EPCs Play a Role?
Hao Jians ph.d.-afhandling: "Organocatalysis in Assymmetric Synthesis – A Shortcut to Chemical Diversity"
Anders Bredahl Kocks ph.d.-afhandlling: "Forecasting and Oracle Efficient Econometrics"
Steffen Terp Laursens ph.d.-afhandling: "The Mound Cemeteries of Bahrain: Between the Indus and Mesopotamia – The emergence and rise of the Dilmun "State" on Bahrain"
Dorthe B. Ravnsbæks ph.d.-afhandling: "Synthesis, structure and properties of novel metal borohydrides"
Nina Holm Vohnsens ph.d.-afhandling: "Absurdity and the Sensible Decision - implementation of Danish labour market policy"